2013-09-10 15

Download here :- https://dl.dropbox.com/s/dahugd0gb3ov6sj/Tap%20Paradise%20Cove%20Hack%20Tool%20v2.58.zip?dl=1

This is a pretty basic game. The graphics are cute but more like little block figures. I would not say that the graphics are the strong point of this game. Sometimes things are hiding behind something and I have to move things in order to see what is there.

It would be nice if the game was designed so that you could switch to a different vantage point but still its a fun game so the graphics are not that important.

Sounds and music fit nicely into the background but again there is nothing really fantastic here to mention.

Obviously the game play value is there. It reminds me a little bit of the towns in older Nintendo games like Zelda. There is a certain charm in the simplicity.

I have noticed as I get further into the game that the graphics are a little more elaborate. I think the people look lke lego people. Or at least that is how they look to me.